On May 31, the Hong Kong Investor Relations Association (HKIRA) announced the results of the HKIRA 3rd Investor Relations Awards 2017 (the “IR Awards”).CGN New Energy Holdings Co., Limited (“CGN New Energy”)won the Most Progress in IR Award. Mr. LEE, Kin, Assistant President, Company Secretary and General Manager of Investor Relations of CGN New Energy, attended the ceremony on behalf of the company.
The "Investor Relations Awards" was organized by HKIRA since 2015 to recognize the outstanding performance of Hong Kong listed companies and related personnel in investor relations. The Most Progress in IR Award, a new award added to the competition this year, honors listed companies that have made outstanding progress in investor relations over the past year. It follows a strict process of nomination by public networks, online voting by analysts and a final voting by the professional Judging Panel.
According to HKIRA, CNG New Energy has not only significant progress this year when compared with the previous year, but also achieved an above average ranking. Being awarded The Most Progress in IR Award, CGN New Energy has demonstrated its commitment in investor relations. It also shows the support and continuous recognition of many institutional investors and analysts.